It is very important to us, here at NCP, to create a safe and nurturing environment for each child. The Circle of Grace curriculum is a body safety program that teaches our students to recognize the signals that God gave them to help them to know when they are in an uncomfortable situation, how to handle “tricky people”, and how to seek help from a trusted adult.
As a school we are passionate about keeping our children safe and teaching them to use their voice. We have developed a program called the Circle of Grace which teaches body autonomy and safety in an age appropriate way. We want to equip our students with knowledge and power as they go out into the world. Through the Circle of Grace curriculum, your child will learn:
1. What is our Circle of Grace? What belongs in our circle, what belongs outside of our circle.
Bad Secrets can hurt.
2. I’m the boss of my body and private parts are private
3. The “uh-oh” feeling and what to do about it
4. Tricky people and the lies they tell and how to ask for help
How is the Circle of Grace Integrated into Our Curriculum?
It is very important to us, here at NCP, to create a safe and nurturing environment for each child. The Circle of Grace curriculum is a body safety program. Your circle of grace is the love and goodness of God that surrounds you and all others. It is the recognition that God is with us always and is there to help us in difficult situations. We teach children what the Circle of Grace should look and feel like. We help them to recognize signals God gives them to know they are in an uncomfortable situation, how to handle “tricky people” and how to seek help from a trusted adult. We do not take this topic lightly and have worked hard to develop an age appropriate curriculum.
- Parents are always notified before we teach a lesson
- Each class will learn the “Circle of Grace” song
- Teachers will read books that relate to each topic within the curriculum
- We introduce the lessons through puppet shows
- Mrs. Zartman ALWAYS explains what is going to happen in the puppet show and we talk about it after the show to help the students process the information in a healthy, age appropriate way.
Phone: 717-560-5575
Address: 2660 Lititz Pike Lancaster, PA 17601