Lunch Bunch is an opportunity for our Pre-K students to stay at school for an extended day.
We’ve put a lot of intentional thought into making this Lunch Bunch program a positive experience that can help children feel prepared for Kindergarten.
Our lunch bunch schedule is as follows:
Free Play in the Gym (After everyone is familiar with the routine, we will play outside.)
Storytime & Directions for Stations/Centers
Lunch with Friends (picnic style)
Free Choice at Stations/Centers
Clean Up & Get Ready to Go
Lunch Bunch sessions cost $15.00 each. Cash or check is an acceptable payment. You may sign up your child via Sign Up Genius.
At lunch bunch the students get to experience…

…what its like to have free play with other children that they do not necessarily have class with.
Students from all of the 4/5s and our 5s classes are eligible to join us for lunch bunch, which means that students get to make friends and play with children from other classes. Each lunch bunch begins with free play that mimics what an elementary playground might feel like.

In a school setting, students have to manage socialization and eating lunch. Lunch bunch is a great place to practice those time management skills, asking for help to open difficult items, and cleaning up after themselves.
Below are a few tips that help children have a positive and successful experience. These
tips also help children build their confidence in new situations.
- Show them how to open their lunch box.
- Show them how to open wrappers. Starting the opening for them is a great way to
make things easier. - If you pack a water bottle, show them how to make sure the lid to their water bottle
is on and closed properly. (Put their name lunch boxes and water bottles, please.) - If you pack a different drink, make sure they know how to open it. Juice boxes/ pouches and
mini waters can be tricky for little hands to open. - Past students found Mandarin oranges, yogurt drinks and yogurt tubes challenging
and messy. Before packing those items, be sure they know how to open them
without spilling the contents. - Don’t forget to put a napkin (or two) and all utensils needed in their lunchbox, as
well.- We teachers are happy to help children with any of the above tasks, but there are 21 of
them and only 3 of us. - One last thing to consider is utilizing a Bento box and/or packing sandwiches and snacks
in reusable baggies or containers. Not only will that help reduce waste, but it will save you
- We teachers are happy to help children with any of the above tasks, but there are 21 of

We transition from our free play to lunch and centers with a group story time to calm our bodies down and get ready for the activities for the afternoon. Each month we change the theme of our activities and read stories that correlate with the theme.

At lunch bunch, I use “process art” to create my masterpieces. First, I listen to a story. Then I select the materials I want to use. Lastly, I put it all together. There is no example to copy, I just get to enjoy the process. Please ask me about my creation. Below are some ways to start.
▪ Tell me about your artwork.
▪ What was your favorite part?
▪ What materials did you use?
▪ Why did you use …?
▪ What title would you give this?
▪ How did you feel when you were creating?
▪ Where should we keep this work of art?
▪ (But please don’t ask what is it – because it might not
“be” anything.)
If you’d like to learn more about process art, please click here for a resource
Phone: 717-560-5575
Address: 2660 Lititz Pike Lancaster, PA 17601